Almost 700,000 people from all parts of the UK, met in London yesterday to walk on parliament to demand a second referendum on Brexit. This figure exceeded all expectations, of organisers and authorities who had estimated that approximately 100,000 would join the
The People's Vote is supported by many, including a petition signed by almost 750,000 set up by the Independent Newspaper petitioning for a final vote. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, demonstrated his support by starting the march (which was delayed due to the number of people) and was joined by celebrity speakers including Delia Smith, Steve Coogan and Deborah Meaden.
People came from all across the UK to join in the Peoples Vote March. These included young voters who were not eligible to vote in the EU Referendum in 2016. One of the main issues in regard to the demand for a second referendum, is the call by ‘young people’ for an opportunity to make their voices heard. 'Young people won't forgive those who deny us a vote on this botched Brexit' states Lara Spirit, co-president of Our Future Our Choice
During the two years since the Referendum was held, there have been demographic changes which within such a close result are significant. The cold hard fact is that the elderly who tend to support the Leave campaign are more likely to die as time passes. It is estimated that since June 2016, approximately, 750,000 Brexit voters have died, whilst 1.6 million young people have gained the right to vote, and are at the forefront of ‘The pPoples Vote’ campaign for a second referendum.
‘A referendum is highly unlikely to happen without the acquiescence of at least one of the leaders of the major parties. Either or both Jeremy Corby and Theresa May will have to eat a heap of their own words, a dish that politicians rarely find appetising’ (Rawnsley, 2018)
However, Labour's new ‘idealist young followers’ will be deeply disillusioned and unforgiving if they believe that Jeremy Corbyn, will not deliver in providing a second referendum. “Taking a path of deliberate ambiguity in the hope we won’t offend anyone is not the principled stance that the vast majority of Labour’s membership expect from this leadership team'. #bestPRblog #prstudent #USW_PR #peoplesvote #bestPRblogs #Leave #Remain