Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have expedited the access and sharing of information in totally new ways. Social media has become critical in enabling social and political communications. By its very nature these platforms would seem to be the perfect way in which to enable people to share information, alternative perspectives and publish their own opinion. Yet the impact of social media and its influence, has yet to be fully defined, and has caused concern amongst governing bodies and agencies.
Posts and conversation viewed on social media are often negative, disrespectful and can be extremely angry and abusive. People comment and say things whilst discussing politics that they would never say in person. This was and still is particularly relevant in regards to the discussions surrounding ‘Brexit’. The Brexit Campaign is said to have been ‘the most prominent example of a disinformation campaign intended to disrupt normal democratic disorder’ (Bennett and Livingston, 2018).
The Committee for Digital, Culture,, Media and Sport, 2018 highlight the issue that ‘95% of 15 year olds in the UK use social media before or after school, and that half of 9 to 16 year olds use smart phones daily’. Such a phenomenon requires the need for children and young people to be provided with the knowledge and skills to identify the difference between fact and fiction. Adequate digital literacy skills are essential in ensuring young people are not susceptible to, fake news and aggressive social media campaigns.
Presently there is no agreed definition of fake news but The Committee for Digital, Culture,, Media and Sport, 2018 identify that
In response, CIPR President Sarah Hall, states that 'Ethically competent Public Relations Professionals can and must play a key role in fighting fake news and data misuse. Our ability to deliver strategic value is dependent on honest and truthful communication'.